Wallbox (Electric car)

In Spain your power supply is limited by the electricity supplier. Many apartments or houses often only have a supply of 5,75kW. But can you charge an electric car with only 5,75kW? After all you still need power for the rest of the house. The good news is that it is posible with a few technical tricks. For this you need an electrical load management, that regulates your charging in a way that your limited electrical power supply is not surpassed.

For example, when only your freezer is running, your electric car charges with 5kW. Or if your electric water heater is heating up, your charging load of the electric car will be reduced accordingly.

In case you would like to charge your electric car faster, we can also issue a new Boletin in order to upgrade your electrical supply.

Information Boletin


We can also install a Wallbox in your own garage space in case you live in an apartment block. You only have to inform your Comunidad of the installation. NO PERMITS from the Comunidad are required.

We are more than happy to install a Wallbox for your electric car. Please don`t hesitate to contact us for an appointment.


Your fully qualified and authorized electrician in Tenerife!


Andreas Behrendt

Empresa Instaladora Autorizada en baja tensión

📞 (0034) 666-249026  and

      (0034) 922-773273

✉ elbehrendt@gmx.net

Granadilla de Abona, Tenerife, España